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Smart Steps for Buying Your Dream Car



Smart Steps for Buying Your Dream Car


一辆新车是仅次于房子的最昂贵的消费. 这就是为什么知道如何做一笔明智的交易是至关重要的.

Researching Your New Car

Do some research. 考虑一下你想要什么样的车型和选择,以及你会花多少钱. 在展示厅,你不太可能感到压力而匆忙做出昂贵的决定,更有可能得到更好的交易.

Consider these suggestions:

  • 查看网上或图书馆或书店的出版物,讨论新车的特点和价格. 这些可能会提供特定车型和选项的经销商成本信息.

  • 通过比较广告和经销商陈列室中的车型和价格来购物,以获得最好的价格. 你也可以联系你的信用合作社或汽车购买服务进行比较.

  • Plan to negotiate on price. 经销商可能愿意在利润率上讨价还价,通常在10%到20%之间. Usually, 这是制造商建议零售价(MSRP)和发票价格之间的差额.

  • 因为无论你是付现金还是贷款买车,价格都是经销商计算的一个因素,而且还会影响你的月供,协商价格可以节省你的钱.

  • 如果你在经销商的停车场上没有看到你想要的东西,可以考虑订购新车. This may involve a delay, but cars on the lot may have options you don't want, which can raise the price. However, dealers often want to sell their current inventory quickly, 所以,如果一辆现货车能满足你的需求,你也许能谈成一笔好交易.

What to Know Before You Buy

Learning the Terms
Negotiations often have a vocabulary of their own. 这里有一些你在谈论价格时可能会听到的术语.

  • The Invoice Price is the manufacturer's initial charge to the dealer. 这通常高于经销商的最终成本,因为经销商获得回扣, allowances, discounts, and incentive awards. 一般来说,发票价格应该包括运费(目的地和交货)。. 如果你是根据发票价格购买一辆车(例如, "at invoice," "$100 below invoice,“高于发票百分之二”),如果运费已包括在内, make sure freight isn't added again to the sales contract.

  • Base Price 汽车的价格是否没有选择,但包括标准设备和工厂保修. This price is printed on the Monroney sticker.

  • Monroney Sticker Price shows the base price, 制造商的安装选项和制造商的建议零售价, transportation charge, and the fuel economy (mileage). Affixed to the car window, 该标签是联邦法律规定的,只有购买者才可以取下.

  • Dealer Sticker Price, usually on an additional sticker, Monroney的标价是加上经销商安装选项的建议零售价吗, 如额外经销商加价(ADM)或额外经销商利润(ADP), dealer preparation and undercoating.

Financing Your Car

If you decide to finance your car, be aware that the financing obtained by the dealer, even if the dealer contacts lenders on your behalf, may not be the best deal you can get. Contact lenders directly. A credit union can also discuss car loan options with you. 比较他们提供给你的融资和经销商提供给你的融资. Because offers vary, shop around for the best deal, 比较年利率(APR)和贷款期限. 当协商买车的时候,要注意不要只关注月供. 你将支付的总金额取决于你谈判的汽车价格, the APR, and the loan length.

Sometimes, 经销商为特定的汽车或车型提供微薄的融资利率,但可能不愿意就这些汽车的价格进行谈判. 你可能需要支付相当大的首付款才有资格享受优惠. With these conditions, 你可能会发现,有时为一辆价格较低的车支付更高的融资费用,或者购买一辆首付较少的车,会更容易负担得起.

Before you sign a contract to purchase or finance the car, 考虑一下融资条件,评估一下你是否负担得起. Before you drive off the lot, 你和经销商签署的合同有副本吗, and be sure that all blanks are filled in.

一些经销商和贷款人可能会要求你购买信用保险,以偿还你的贷款,如果你应该死亡或残疾. 在你购买信用保险之前,要考虑成本和是否值得. Check your existing policies to avoid duplicating benefits.

Credit insurance is not required by federal law. 如果你的经销商要求你为汽车融资购买信用保险, it must be included in the cost of credit. That is, it must be reflected in the APR. 向你所在州的保险专员或消费者保护机构咨询. 你所在州的司法部长也可能对信用保险有要求.

Before negotiating the price of your next new car, use this worksheet to establish the bargaining room. 提示:您可以通过查看经销商的发票或汽车出版物来获得发票价格.

Trading in Your Old Car

只有在你为你的新车谈好了最好的价格,并研究了你的旧车的价值之后,才讨论以旧换新的可能性. 在购买新车之前,先弄清楚你现在的车值多少钱.

查阅全国汽车经销商协会(NADA)指南,埃德蒙兹和凯利蓝皮书. 这些信息可以12bet游戏平台从经销商那里得到一个更好的价格. Though it may take longer to sell your car yourself, you generally will get more money than if you trade it in.

Considering a Service Contract

When purchasing a new car, 你可以购买维修特定零件或问题的服务合同. These contracts can be from manufacturers, dealerships, or independent companies, 它们的覆盖范围可能会也可能不会超出制造商的保修期. Remember that the car's price already includes a warranty, whereas a service contract comes at an additional cost.


  • 保修和服务合同的保修范围有什么区别?
  • 经销商或制造商提供延长保修期吗?
  • What repairs are covered?
  • Is routine maintenance covered?
  • Who pays for the labor? The parts?
  • Who performs the repairs? Can repairs be made elsewhere?
  • How long does the service contract last?
  • What are the cancellation and refund policies?